House 2015

House  2015
34 Forbes 6/25/2015

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

The Front Porch is Done-- The Side Porch Tomorrow

 We are now just waiting for the screens. 

Below are some shots of the new landscaping.

 The Side Porch

This is our homage to Nantucket. You see this porch all over when you walk around town.  Ted will finish this tomorrow.  The posts will have little caps like the front.

 Ted says he is a one trick pony. Oh, but what a trick. 

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Take that, Forbes Avenue

So, while the porch is STILL not not completely done, here's the landscaping:

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Just the Master

My brilliant brother :
The Master

The Master and his Elf
Who built this:

Its so beautiful, I made it my cover photo.